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改变有变换改革更改的意思如他知道随着改变环境他会打起精神来的那么你知道改变用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧改变英语说法1change 改变英语说法2alter 改变英语说法3transform 改变的相关 短语 改变。

改变的英语短语篇1 1 If you#39re not satisfied with the life you#39re living, don#39t just complain Do something about it对于现况的不满,不能只是抱怨,要有勇气作出改变2 I really don#39t see any rea。

The sand the natural environment of the wetland soil caused serious influence Animals and plants a recession, biodiversity is threatened Due to the special geographical position, it will directly destroy the dete。

1失望的是,每个人都在副被提升为最高职务,她虐待她的力量2中途通过我们的摇滚n #39roll聚会,一个邻居都回来抱怨噪音问题我们在进行3当我们植树,我们应该考虑每个种类的适应性当地或品种,它是增长4安全处理。


The rich world is already in recession Unemployment, foreclosures and corporate bankruptcies are rising Emerging economies have also been ensnared, as investors from richer countries retreat to their home markets The fund。

I know we facin a recession 我知道我们的经济在衰退 But the music yall makin gonna make it the great depression 但你们丫做的音乐会让她加剧成大萧条 Ah, or your lack of aggression 啊,或者你少点霸气 Pull。

14 Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne调以盐胡椒和少许辣椒粉15 The economy remains deep in recession with few signs of a pickup经济仍深陷衰退之中,几乎没有好转的迹象。

Until now, snh and other environment agencies have been largely protected from theswingeing cuts imposed on natural england and other english agencies by the ukgovernment during the recession经济衰退期间,英国政府。


20XX was a postrecession bounce fueled by global restocking, so it was always going to be hard to beator crash because fears of defaults in one small economy have threatened to upset the currency of 16 others。


因为责任及潜在危险,特别是在经济衰退时,工作机会少有人选择不停止行动像上面所描述的 工人在一大堆行业感到压力,他们的道德标准,或妥协,打破了lawaccording帕特里夏他挺不错的主席,伦理资源中心,一个独立的研究机构顶级的。

By the end of the recession in 1994, attitudes had changed and fashion had much less of a following people still care about their appearance, but not to the same extent This declining regard for fashion is。

to some industry insider reports, Virgin Atlantic was facing increasing financial problems at that time This was primarily the result of a sharp reduction in demand for air travel caused by the recession of。

The country experienced a recession from the late 1980s into the early 1990s, as fish stocks dwindled and world prices for fish and aluminum dropped However, the economy stabilized in the 1990s and the government。