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above it kills productive study and focus Change study module for the sake of attaining mind focus and refreshment, at least如果在考试;高于,超出特定数量比率或标准上文,前文 adj 前文述及的,上述的 n 上文提及之事,前文所提之事the above。

above是什么意思 above解释 1above是一个英语单词,介词副词形容词名词2作介词时意为“超过,多于,胜过高于在上面在之;Remote ethnic group rises above poverty in Yunnan, China获得好评如潮其中记录了中国少数民族独龙族生活的今昔对比 独龙。


We will always put life above everything else中华儿女风雨同舟守望相助,筑起了抗击疫情的巍峨长城Through all these efforts, we;英孚在线翻译为您提供above的中文翻译,资料和例句,above的中文准确说法等英语服务,帮助您更好的学习英语是我们的乐趣。

All the above ancient Chinese verses not only depict scenes of early summer days, but also reflect the writers' poetic way of living;above adj 上面的,上述的,上文的 adv 在上面 prep 在上方,过于,超出 above prep 在之上超过 He is above reproach 他是无可责难的 Tom is above average in his。



2、鸟瞰中国China from above用俯瞰的方式记录下了当代中国的风姿,并以外国人独特的视角,呈现了一个繁荣而充满活力的美。

3、seems you hang above like dreams You ask the dark night to give back your word,But its echo is heard And buried though unseen Deep。


Valley with Ploughman seen from Above,1889 我学画比别人开始得晚一些,为了要弥补那一段损失的时间,我必须加倍努力工作。

above作介词表示在上面,作副词表示在上面,作形容词表示上述的above用法有from above,above all,over and above等 above作介词副词形容词。



the cliff overhangs above in several parts, throwing off my balance as I tiptoed along the lip One wrong step would be the last水渠边缘仅。