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29She is such a stubborn person that no one on earth would change her mind她是个如此倔强的人,没有谁能改变她的想法30I lost other friends when I make up my mind to have one friend当我决定交。

stubbornobstinate 不轻易改变自己的认识,坚持到底 侍萍,你不要太固执mdashmdash 曹禺雷雨固执引证解释 1 坚持礼记middot中庸ldquo诚之者,择善而固执之者也rdquo汉书middot谷永。


is stubborn,and the other isselfish 这两兄弟经常吵架一个很固执,另一个则很自私5I call his behaviour mean and selfish。

就没人能找到合适的话语说服她改变主意She had such a stubborn attitude that once she was determined to do something, no one could find proper words to persuade her to change her mind。

例句It is known to all that Tibet is an inseparable part of China众所周知,西藏是中国不可分割的一部分2As you know例句As you know,Adam is really a as stubborn as a mule众所周知,艾德姆这。

n Student人名德施图登特 相关短语college student 大学生 university student 大学生 graduate student n 研究生毕业生 good student 好学生 foreign student 外国学生,外籍学生留学生 双语例句1 In 1978。
