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eg I I thought of it just as you opened your mouth II Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry4 后接名词表示某一年龄段时,用aseg As a young man, he was active in sports 2 as=since, 作“既然”“由于”解,引导原因状语从句,常用来;意思是“像一样,如同”可以单独使用,但更多的是用在asas结构中,其中第一个as是副词,其后可接形容词或副词,也可接其他成分例句As in all experimental sciences, we still do not know everything about nutrition就像所有实验科学一样,我们仍然没有完全认识营养作用。

1用于表示同一个人的两种动作交替进行,指一边一边 如The girl sings as she goes to schoolHe looked behind occasionally as he went forward in the forest2表示两个同步发生的动作或行?意思是随着的发展如As time went on by, she became more and more beautiful As;adv副词To the same extent or degree equally同等地,一样地同一限度或程度地同等地The child sang as sweetly as a nightingale这孩子歌唱得同夜莺般婉转 For instance例如large carnivores, as the bear or lion大的食肉动物,如熊或狮子 When taken into consideration in a。

1 He opened his mouth as if to speak= He opened his mouth as if he wanted to speak2 He shook his head as if to say quotnoquot= He shook his head as if he wanted to say quotnoquot3 She lifted one arm, as if to shield herself, then screamed in terror= She;such as的用法如下1在句中出现,而不是句首,这个和for example区分很大 例Many students are interested in some nonacademic courses For example, they like music and sports例Many students are interested in some nonacademic courses such as music and sports2后面加名词或者。


1、方法步骤分步阅读 1 7 回到手机程序界面,点击设置2 7 进入设置,点击上面的账户3 7 进入账户界面,点击itunes store 与app stroe进入4 7 点击你的apple ID,选择注销,然后登陆你的美区的ID5 7 登陆成功,点击放大镜进入搜索界面6 7 搜索界面搜索astrill client找到后点击g。



3、1 as作连词,引状从1表quot当时候quot,引时状从,强调两个动作同时发生,或某事一发生,另一事立即发生如She sang a song as she walked 她边走边唱着一首歌2表quot因为quotquot由于quot,引原状从,与because相近如I must stop writing, as I have a lot of work to do 我必须。

4、1As 就是关系代词,指代后面的句子honesty is the bestpolicy2As an oldsaying goes 是前置的非限制性定语从句,其结构如下主语an old saying 谓语动词goes此处的 go 是及物动词,相当于 say 的意思宾语as 3As 也可以用下面宾语从句代替来理解An old saying goes that quot。

5、But Man has in him the silence of the sea,the noise of the earth and the music of the air 赏作者运用拟人对比的修辞手法,用游鱼兽类和飞鸟来衬托人类的独一无二,歌颂人类不一般的生命沉默喧嚣音乐,我们拥有这么多,难道不应该努力让生命更加精彩么? 7世界在踌躇之心的琴弦上跑过去,奏出。

6、1as作连接词她引导比较状语从句和方式状语从句,而且这两种从句通常为省略句例如1She is a fine singer, as her mother used to be2There is as much water in this cupas in that one2like作介词例如3My sister isn#39#39t much like me4The robot can#39#39t work。


四种句型 一名词形容词+asthough+主语+系动词把系表结构中的“表语”而非be动词,提到从属连词asthough之前而非主语之前Child asthough he is, he knows a lot about physics尽管他是个孩子,但对物理知识知道得很多二副词+asthough+主语+动词把修饰谓语动词的某个“。



回答as这个词看似简单,但用法却是很多的,对它的正确理解关系到英语应用能力的提高,因此我们有必要对其用法和搭配进行详细阐述一as作介词1 区别as和likeas作为介词时,可以表示“像”,这时它可以和like互用as还可以表示“以身份”或“作为”,“当作”,但like不能。

1as as 译为和一样用于肯定句,表示的是同级比较,中间可以加形容词或副词2not as as 译为和不一样用于否定句,也表示同级比较,中间可以加形容词和副词但是要区分与not so as ,前者语气弱,后者语气强一as作连词的用法 1asas意为quot和一样quot。