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1、senior 英#712sini#601r 美#712sinj#602adj 资深的 级别地位等 较高的 年长的 lt美最高年级的n 上级 lt美毕业班学生 较年长者 地位较高的,资历较深的。

2、一般使用“predecessor”表示公司的前身,在括号中的说明也用“former”例如中信重型机械公司前洛阳矿山机械厂Zhongxin Heavy Duty Mechanical CompanyFormer Luoyang MINING MACHINE MANCFACTOR COLTD而“中信重型机械。

3、beyond one#39s depthhead exceed动词,例如超过警戒线exceed the warning line surpass动词,例如超过世界先进水平surpass advanced world levels excel动词,例如超过他的前任excel his predecessor。

4、前进者67 是个骗子,不要和他交易。

5、做英文表格用英文怎么说Make a spreadsheet in excelpredecessor 前任,前辈 spreadsheet 电子表格 全称是PowerPoint,是指微软公司的演示文稿软件Do you think I should use PowerPoint 你认为我应该用幻灯片展示吗H5。

6、welcome英 #712welk#601m 美 #712w#603lk#601mvt欢迎乐于接受adj受欢迎的令人愉悦的表示感谢的n欢迎,迎接welcome的用法示例如下1His predecessor was accorded an equally。

7、Mr lee#39s predecessor, roh moohyun, halted certain diplomatic contacts with tokyo in a dispute over visits by japanese politicians to a controversial war shrine which honors convicted war criminals alongside。

8、某某公司的前身,前身 英文翻译 The predecessor of so and so, predecessor。

9、回答和翻译如下拒绝前任Reject your predecessor 小朋友,好好睡觉吧,别一个劲得整天兴奋身体要紧半夜不睡觉,想当贼去啊定了花园饭店,以后再用啊今天没看到你,估计,你一夜没睡,现在也垂头丧脑的。

10、or linen cloth with a striped or check pattern 7oolong 乌龙茶 a kind of tea 8predecessor 前任 person who held an office or position before sb else 9undiscovered 未知的,未被发现的 not be found。

11、毛主席说,过去是你的先生现在也是你的先生将来还是你的先生不存在前任老师的问题只有前任班主任exadvisor of our class。

12、不是病句,这是Godbless my ex 的省略表达方式。



14、Personal contacts, quotthe older generationquot system Toyota#39s participation in the work order for the new employees become familiar with the new environment, I have put forward quota warm welcome to new employees,quot。

15、His predecessor was accorded an equally tumultuous welcome该公告被认为是向正确方向迈进的一步,因而受到欢迎,但也被普遍看作是一种象征性的姿态The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction, but。

16、自信 词典selfconfidenceselfconfidentbelieve in oneselfassurednessbe sure of oneself 例句1He has never exhibited the selfconfidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor 他从未表现出他前任的。


17、如Takeo Miki is japan#39s Mr clean in contrast to his predecessorwho was brought down by corruption三木武夫和他因腐败下台的前任相比,可谓日本的纯洁先生人名有如香港女演员歌手杨爱瑾的英文名叫Miki Yeung。

18、是英语俗语,很经典~~“长江后浪推前浪,世上新人换旧人”英语可以说成~“As in the Yangtze River waves urge waves, so the younger generation excels the older generation”或者长江后浪推前浪, 一代。