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without striking a blow 不战 不劳,不费吹灰之力 而blow blo bloublewblu blublownblon bloun不及物动词 1 常以 it 作主词a 吹,刮 It is ~ing hard正在刮大风 There was a;他们没有自己单独冒险的行动,而是紧紧依靠其他人直译应该是他们紧紧抓住另一个人的手来寻求帮助。

elimination match ,knockout 淘汰赛 competition rules 比赛规则 close watch 紧盯人战术protest 对不公平裁判的抗议 offside 越位 firstsecond half 上下 半场 overhead throw 过顶掷球 indicator, score board 记分;On July 11, Osterman threw a nohitter in the 2003 Canada Cup, striking out 10 batters to defeat Team Canada 80 on July 12, Osterman pitched her second nohitter of the 2003 Canada Cup, striking out 16 of。


2 Remove out the striking rod and fill slowlythrough the open end Do not overfill the lighter取下阻燃器并通过开口缓慢加入机油,请勿加油过满INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 使用说明 1 Hold the lighter by the;在这里是 完成,做成某件事情的意思 整个句子的意思 为 他们中的大多数人尝试着依靠别人的力量以确保成功 ,而不是勇敢地凭借自己的力量做成。

a free man,a proud swimmer striking out for a new destiny 一个自由的人,一个骄傲的游泳者,为了一个新的命运而战斗。



罢工的 adj striking 例句A miner bought food from a makeshift shop set up in the trunk of a car near a roadblock by striking miners一位矿工从搭建在车厢中的临时食品店中购买食物,附近的道路都被罢工的。

3 You should be learning to teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents伱也应该学习青少年们, 他们都用同样的言语去与父母争论 4 Instead of striking out bravely。

disagreement eg over pay, conditions, etc act or instance of striking strike2 10 罢工 a miners#39 strike 矿业工人罢工 * industrial strikes 工业部门的罢工 * a strike by bus drivers 公共汽车司机的罢工 * a。

如The clock striking two,I went to bedThe clock 和 striking构成逻辑上的主谓关系The clock是逻辑主语,striking是逻辑谓语再如He was listening carefully,his eyes fixed on the blackboard2名词代词+。

Oscar has just prised his way out of a shark#39s jaw and is striking a manly pose for the crowdsOscar Are you not entertained?the crowd cheersOscar You Can#39t Handle The Truth!the crowd cheersOscar You。

Delete 的英文含义删除扩展这个单词比较频繁地用于IT专用语计算机编程计算机指令中,意义也基本上都是删除清除去除之类的指令。


1、striking 读法 英 #712stra#618k#618#331 美 #712stra#618k#618#331短语1striking contrast 显著对比,鲜明的对比 2striking distance 攻击距离 3arc striking 起弧 示例It。

2、Thechildrenwereratherstrikingconcerningoneprofessioninparticular,thepooroldenginner这里的striking是什么意思?看似应该15 出发,行进,前进例句 We#39ll strike out at dawn我们将在拂晓时分出发16 突进,急冲例句 His car。

3、play with与hang out的区别如下1释义不同play with意为同一起玩玩弄不太认真地考虑逗 hang out意为挂出闲逛出去玩 2侧重点不同play比较适合小孩子表达“玩耍”,或是“跟宠物玩”。

4、形容词 adjective 用来形容名词, eg PRETTY Women 美眉 副词 adverb 用来形容动词或是形容词, eg VERY pretty women 动词 verb 动作,eg eat, walk介词 preposition, eg walking IN the。