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drafted-drafted rules


1、引导定语从句asdrafted是既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语重句的成分在两种情况下都可以分别充当主语,宾语和表语;A In 1827 they drafted B The draft in 1827 C In 1872 was drafted D Drafted in 1827 905答案 D分词短语作状语,表示时间此结构可扩展为一状语从句where the constitution of the Cherokee;2He has drawn up the design draft他拟定了设计草图二用作及物动词vt1Who will draft the indictment?谁将起草起诉状2John was drafted into the Army last year约翰去年被应征入伍;选拔为某种,通常是义务性的服务而从一群人中选拔drafted into the army被征召入伍 To draw up a preliminary version of or plan for起草为制定草案或计划 To create by thinking and writing compose;Hand drafting blue print in industrial design drawing也就是个大概 一般 手绘的图纸 是 hand drawn 或者 handdrafted 是形容词性 工业图纸就是 blue print 或者 part print, part design, part drawing你这里看起来。

2、Since time is limited,I drafted out my speech in10minutes约翰把发言稿写好了但是他想在演讲之前把它再润色一下John has the speech written but he wants to polish it up a bit before he delivers拟一份;答案B 美国历史考查独立宣言的起草人,应该是Thomas Jefferson;一详细释义 , n , 草稿,草图 C , 例句 ,We#39ll prepare a draft according to our standard contract,我们会根据我们的标准合同,准备一份草案, 例句 ,He had painfully written out a first draft;decision drafted是起始状态,延伸的意思是起草的决定,最开始的想法和决定重点词decision 读音英 d#618#712s#618#658n 美 d#618#712s#618#658nn作出的决定,抉择决断;字写得很草3 初步的 非正式的 drafted not final例句 draft of a plan, law, etc草案动词起草 draft例句draw up draft草拟 draft a document 起草文件 以上来源于 新汉英大辞典;be drafted into 征召入伍征招入伍 双语例句 1 Be drafted into the army 应征入伍 2 Despite a fundamental horror of violence, John allowed himself to be drafted into the army约翰尽管生来就憎恶暴力,还是。

drafted-drafted rules

3、应该选4吧 drafted in 1827相当于是定语前置了,实际应该是 the constitution of the Cherokee Nation which was drafted in1827 provided把which和was去掉,然后放到前面,就构成了;2为公司两个大型项目编写可行性研究报告及财务分析报告,为公司两大项目的成功运营奠定了基础,目前两大项目已成为公司的支柱性项目 Having drafted the feasibility research report and the financial analysis report for the;The handwriting is very sloppy字写得很草3 初步的 非正式的 drafted not final draft of a plan, law, etc草案 动词 1 书 起草 draft draw up draft 草拟 draft a document 起草文件。

drafted-drafted rules

4、They sat down and drafted a letter to the local newspaper他们坐下来, 给当地的报纸草拟了一封信选派, 抽调 He was drafted last autumn by the Detroit Lions他去年秋天被底特律雄狮队选作队员了They drafted;I also drafted the English script for the introduction which was played in the electronic guide Our team’s work was appreciated by the guests as well as the company Firmly believing in the importance of cross。

5、draft a cable home我得写一份发往家里的电报稿2 选派 3 美征兵征集+intoHer brother was drafted into military service她哥哥应征入伍这两个词没有太大区别,考试中一般也不会让你辨别;连接两个不同的数词,如 Can you count from one to a hundred? 你能从一数到一百吗 Men from 16 to 30 are to be drafted into the army 16岁到30岁的男子均应该应征入伍接两个不同的数字,用于复数。