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And at the close of the twentieth century, I think about how your rights are being seriously threatened Iand powerful women are viewed as threatening We are taught in many different ways that it#39s not feminine。


而是两者作被威胁的受威胁的之意时的使用区别 区别是作前置定语时用threatening,如threatening animal正在受威胁的动物不是吓人的动物作后置定语和标语时用threatened,如animal threatenedanimal is thr。

I shall not be threatened by himThe storm was very threateningThe kidnapper threatened the family of the victimI am threatening youPlease do not threaten me!He was neglected since youngDo not neglect。

and,because of the root#39s stretching force,the crack is becoming enlarged,the amount of the soil increased,tooThe expansion of the crack made the crock feel painful and threatening,it finally submit to the。


由第二段的Because there were labor problems, the director started receiving threatening letters及During the interview, he reacted in several ways typical of liars可知,Delbert对公司不满意8 B推理判断题由倒数第二段的。