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[preeminence]preeminence pump


1、美语音标pri#720#712em#618n#601ns转载需注明“转自音标网yinbiao5com19html”,违者必究 中文翻译 n杰出卓越 单词例句 用作名词 nNo one doubted the preeminence of my father in。

2、joqeen你的中文名字确实很很对应成英文,因为英文里面没有CHAO这个音,也没有QUN这个音,但是我朋友的名字佑青就很好对应了 YOKING 不错吧 不过 JOQEEN 还是挺不错的,有点JOLIN 和QUEEN的味道参考资料。

3、Synonym eminencedistinctionpreeminence 英语单词note的情景对话 商业谈判 AAh, Lian and Lok Welcome Itrsquos a pleasure to see you here again Now, you know everyone here, except for Ahmed丽安,洛克。

[preeminence]preeminence pump

4、superiority领先,突出天赋的优人一等的才能或优势 4Characteristic superiority preeminence高人一等,优越,优势 adj形容词Of, arising from, or exercising a prerogative特权的,因特权而有的或行使特权的。

5、同义词mark,noticedistinction,eminence,preeminencemention,observe,remarkfederal reserve note,government note,greenback,bank bill,bank note,banker#39s bill,banknote,billannotation,notationbillet,line。

6、preeminence in a particular category or group or field United States woman tennis player born in 1943同义词Billie Jean King, Billie Jean Moffitt King United States guitar player and singer of the blues。

7、Xin Qi4 Ji2#39s temperament is straightforward to emphasize a solar division, knowledge preeminence, hand over to connect mostly the world wellknown scholarOnce wrote to cross mountains language cloud on the。

8、It is rumored ancient times together the ugly woman of country has no salt, childhood hour once the godliness does obeisance the month, after grow up, with the preeminence moral qualities go into temple, but。

9、particularly Chinese painting and calligraphy A Chinese painting he favors most is that a rooster stands on a cliff, looking rather calm It gives us a sense of preeminence, and its fiery red comb is espec。

10、乔治·华盛顿 第一次就职演讲1789年4月30日参议院和众议院的同胞们在人生沉浮中,没有一件事能比本月14日收到根据你们的命令送达的通知更使我焦虑不安,一方面,国家召唤我出任此职,对于她的召唤,我永远只能肃然。

11、译文 It is rumored ancient times together the ugly woman of country has no salt, childhood hour once the godliness does obeisance the month, after grow up, with the preeminence moral qualities go into temple, but。

12、or beauty a paragon卓越的,杰出的以卓越或杰出为特点的卓著的 Characterized by excellence or distinction eminent没有人怀疑他在金融事务中的卓越成就No one doubted his preeminence in financial matters。

13、下面大家就和小编一起来看看详细的内容介绍吧 1插入语成分 Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so ___ Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeare。

14、梅先生还是一位伟大的爱国主义者,抗战期间蓄须明志,拒绝演出,靠写字卖画为生解放后历任中国京剧院院长中国戏曲研究院院长中国文学艺术界联合会副主席中国戏剧家协会副主席英文The preeminence of Mei Lanfang。

[preeminence]preeminence pump

15、顶端的意思 top tCpn顶部, 顶端, 极点, 顶蓬, 陀螺, 常用复数根菜植物的叶子, 上部, 盖子 adj最高的, 顶上的, 头等的 vt盖, 戴, 高耸, 达到顶端, 截去植物顶端, 高过, 超越 vi结束, 完成。

16、比如说,神秘哲学家安里西·哥内留斯·阿格里帕 Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa在1529年所著的关于女性之高贵卓越的演说 The Declamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex 女性主义在19世纪渐渐转变为组织性的。