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threatened的意思是受到威胁threatened形容词意思是受到威胁的,动词意思是威胁threaten的过去分词threatened造句 People#39s sense of turf has been threatened人们的乡土观念受到威胁He bade me hold my peace;30的英语例句 1 30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction目前,30%的爬行动物鸟类和鱼类面临灭绝的危险2 The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year去。


13 They were threatened with punishment if they disobeyed他们受到恐吓,如若违抗就会受到惩罚14 His father meted out punishment with a slipper他父亲用一只拖鞋进行惩罚15 Hopefully his punishment will ac;10 30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction目前,30%的爬行动物鸟类和鱼类面临灭绝的危险11 I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend#39swife我。


4I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics我回想起多次同她就这些问题及类似话题进行的讨论530 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction目前,30%;1我非常吃惊地发现他的文章有如此令人兴奋的标题,内容却非常无趣形容词所修饰的东西,表主动时,用形容词的ing形式,表被动时,加edquotIquot是主动“吃惊surprising”,“topic”是令人“兴奋surprised”,“内容”是令人。

n 人,人类adj 人的有人性的 显示人类特有弱点的 人本性的There#39s no snake known that will habitually attack human beings unless threatened with its life 除非自己的生命受到了威胁,已知的蛇中。

threatenedbreach 威胁违约 双语例句 1 30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction目前,30%的爬行动物鸟类和鱼类面临灭绝的危险2 The issue threatened to decouple Europe;3 30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction目前,30%的爬行动物鸟类和鱼类面临灭绝的危险4 The nature of the polymer is currently a trade secret这一聚合物的性质。

The workers would be threatened with the dismissal if they didn#39t cooperate 此句为与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,翻译为如果这些工人如果不合作就会被用辞退的手段来威胁但是这种顺序很牵强因为这句话因为有了with dism;30的双语例句 1 30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction目前,30%的爬行动物鸟类和鱼类面临灭绝的危险2 The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year去。

我是这么理解的吧,它会威胁这个城市那这个城市受什么威胁呢,是被毁灭的危险所以一般这种情况都是用with做什么词我还真不懂,这种应该是多读多看有语感的呢tons of a type of都是固定的搭配,只能靠自己去记;There#39s no snake known that will attack human beings unlessit isthreatenedwith its life 状语从句中,如果主语和主句的主语重复,且谓语动词是be动词,或者从句的主语是it+be动词的形式,则可以省略。

Government may be threatened with national security Companies may lose opportunities to develop new projects And the public’s and users’ confidence will be damaged 一旦信息被打破,受害者政府部门,组织或机构,或大或。

4I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics我回想起多次同她就这些问题及类似话题进行的讨论530 percent of reptiles,birds,and fish are currently threatened with extinction目前,30%的;10 I was threatened with a beating if I didn#39t obey如果我不服从,他扬言要打我11 He swore to obey the king他发誓服从国王12 Everyone must obey the law人人都必须遵守法律13 The boy won#39t。

the group#39s teaching and methods threatened social cohesion罢工者受到威胁说,如果他们不复工,就会被解雇the strikers were threatened with dismissal if they did not return to work起初她威胁要解雇我们所有的人。