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二十四节气的英文名立春Starting Spring,雨水Rain,惊蛰Insects,春分 Spring Equinox,清明 Qingming,谷雨Valley Rain,立夏Starting Summer,小满Xiaomang,芒种Mangzi,夏至Summer Solstice,小暑Little Summer,大暑Big Summer,立秋。

String solarTerm = new String quot小寒quot, quot大寒quot, quot立春quot, quot雨水quot, quot惊蛰quot, quot春分quot,quot清明quot, quot谷雨quot, quot立夏quot, quot小满quot, quot芒种quot, quot夏至quot, quot小暑quot, quot大暑quot, quot立秋quot, quot处暑quot, quot白露quot,quot秋分quot。

alertquot农历下一个节日为quot+solarTermm 输入查询日期年月日 本回答被提问者采纳 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 百度网友ea0cb30d6 20071228 知道答主 回答量2 采纳率0% 帮助的人。


谷雨到来时常常会有什么问题2Grain Rain Rainfall increases obviously and impels cereal cropsto grow谷雨降雨明显增长,促使谷类作物生长发育3Grain Rain since reflects one of 7 solar term that weather。

24节气,24 solar termssolar的音标 #712s#601#650l#601r term的音标是 t#604#720m 或者 节气 calendaricity k#230l#618nd#601#712risiti。


立春 the Beginning of Spring 1st solar termFeb3,4, or 5 雨水 Rain Water 2nd solar termFeb18,19 or 20 惊蛰 the Waking of Insects 3rd solar termMar5,6, or 7 春分 the Spring Equinox。

6th 即 sixth,译为第六solarterm 是固定词组,译为节气偶尔也 有人把节气翻译为“solar period”,因为 period 和 term 都有时期之意The English name of Guyu isquotGrain Rainquot, which Gumeans grains,Yu means。

Solar term is our country phenology, seasonal change of theorder of symbol, and the festival is contains certain custom of commemoration 清明节是我国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日,是祭祖和扫墓的日子扫墓俗称上坟,祭祀死者。