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Thomas Edison Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist He was born in 1847 When he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked He was in school for only three months He asked his。

The Tramp Telegrapher Edison left the laboratory behind for a career as a quotcandy butcherquot on the Grand Trunk Railway in 1859, selling candy, dried fruit, snacks and newspapers Three years later he made。


Times need heroes, and heroes stand out Franklin Roose velt is just a hero of the times Well known for his unprecedented 13 years as the President of U S , he is regarded as a savior of America。

The Tramp TelegrapherEdison left the laboratory behind for a career as a quotcandy butcherquot on the Grand Trunk Railway in 1859,selling candy,dried fruit,snacks and newspapersThree years later he made history when he。


Edison was born in the United States, was a great inventor He stayed in school only three months, the total number of question and has nothing to do homework Later, his mother brought him home, and he。