公司信息我们同意, 一直当公司的贩卖者和尔后, 我们将举行在最严密的信心和不会使用或不会透露对任何人企业, 或事务, 除了公司的好处和除了以公司的明确授权, 公司的任一个机要信息我们了解那 “机要信息” 意味任。
而,党相互渴望执行束缚,和对有利的协议,党,后继者和分配,与谈判的和充分地被执行的合同的管辖权法律符合同在此之下同意的期限和供应的International独立实验室 # SGS – Societe Generale de Surveillance 合同的。
雇员, 代表他自己和他的代表, 配偶, 代理, 承继人和分配, 发布和释放公司和COMPANY#39s 前, 现在或未来官员, 雇员, 代表, 代理, 受托人, 律师, 股东, 承保人, 前辈, 父母, 会员, 收益计划, 后继者, 承继人主任。
12 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 继承和转让 The provisions of this Agreement will ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs and personal representatives and permitted assigns of Consultant, and upon the。
the person has been bitten forcedly coming jumping down from Benz unexpectedly on vehicle dying, successors discover the dead lacking for a finger Dog look upon as the pet, is as old as the hills Jade。
1Your customers don#39t care about you They don#39t care about your product or serviceThey care about themselves, their dreams, their goals Now, they will care much more if you help them reach their。
第二十三条继承开始后,知道被继承人死亡的继承人应当及时通知其他继承人和遗嘱执行人Article 23 After the opening of succession, a successor who has knowledge of thedeath should promptly notify the other successors。
如果任一诉讼由任一个党提出给这个协议强制执行任一个供应因此, 战胜的党将有资格恢复, 除其他安心之外, 合理的律师的费和诉讼或仲裁费用和费用14 综合化这个协议构成党的整个理解和协议的综合化谈到事态提到在这个。