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1、n运动 竞选运动 战役 季节性竞赛vi参加发起运动,参加竞选 参战,参加战役 作战第三人称单数campaigns复数campaigns现在进行时campaigning过去式campaigned 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句1The cardboard bik。

2、n运动 竞选运动 战役 季节性竞赛vi参加发起运动,参加竞选 参战,参加战役 作战第三人称单数campaigns复数campaigns现在进行时campaigning过去式campaigned 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句1The best campaign。

3、n运动 战役 竞选运动 季节性竞赛 vi作战 参加发起运动,参加竞选 参战,参加战役 第三人称单数campaigns复数campaigns现在分词campaigning过去式campaigned。

4、运动,参加竞选 参战,参加战役 第三人称单数campaigns复数campaigns现在分词campaigning过去式campaigned 例句 One of the presidentelect#39s best proposals during the campaign 在竞选运动中当选总统的最好提议之一。

5、n运动 战役 竞选运动 季节性竞赛 vi作战 参加发起运动,参加竞选 参战,参加战役 第三人称单数 campaigns 复数 campaigns 现在分词 campaigning 过去式 campaigned 数据来源金山词霸 双语例句。

6、n运动战役竞选运动季节性竞赛 vi作战参加发起运动,参加竞选参战,参加战役 第三人称单数 campaigns 复数 campaigns 现在分词 campaigning 过去式 campaigned 例句1Hitler complained that this single。

7、moderate candidate 温和派候选人 Both candidates have campaigned on similar populous platforms有错, 应是Both candidates have campaigned on similar popular platforms 两个候选人以相似的大家关心的政纲去竞选 platforms。

8、DOMA 词典 医=dihydroxymandelic acid 二羟扁桃酸例句He campaigned on the promise of repealing quotdon#39t ask, don#39t tellquot and DOMA他承诺取消”不问,不说“政策和婚姻保护法。

9、He campaigned for peace and against the spread of nuclear weapons 他为裁军运动和反对核武器扩散而奔走He was fedup with the lies being spread about him 关于自己的流言蜚语满天乱飞,他实在受够了。

10、pledging英p#39led#658#618#331美p#39led#658#618#331v保证,许诺,发誓 pledge的现在分词 典当 保证给予或做 以誓言约束以上结果来自金山词霸 例句1Mr banda campaigned。


11、It was taken on the Isle of Mull, off the West coast of Scotland, where shepherdshave long campaigned against the reintroduction of eagles which they see as a threatto their livelihoods该照片是在苏格兰西海岸。


12、be warmly received 被热情的接受 例句1The government has agreed to follow the example set by mps, a decision that will bewarmly received by wildlife groups, who have long campaigned for the uk to introduce。

13、4 He campaigned for peace and against the spread of nuclear weapons他为裁军运动和反对核武器扩散而奔走来自柯林斯例句 5 He was fedup with the lies being spread about him关于自己的流言蜚语满天乱飞,他。

14、中文意思是徒劳白费力气无用的无意义的无价值的词语搭配take someone#39s name in vain滥用某人名义take the name of God in vain赌咒发假誓,诅咒骂人take sb#39s name in vain滥用某人的名字labor。

15、reinstatement的意思是复原,修复revolving的意思是循环的,旋转的二者在意思上有巨大差别例句reinstatement 1Parents campaigned in vain for her reinstatement父母们呼吁给她复职,但结果却只是徒劳2He welcomed。