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1、你好 公务礼仪也叫政务礼仪,是指国家公务人员在工作状态中要遵守和规范自己的行为的礼仪那么公务礼仪的严肃性就是指国家公务人员代表的是国家和政府的形象 那么在工作和服务人民的过程中,要全方位注意礼仪, 不仅是言谈;严肃的英文单词是serious英式读法是#712s#618#601ri#601s美式读法是#712s#618ri#601s可以用作形容词,可以翻译为严肃的认真的,等等相关例句用作形容词adj1Do not treat;seriousness句子有点长,不过划清句子成分就挺容易理解的the person 是主语,who results in an outbreak of fire because of a breach of the requirements showed above 这一长串都是定语,must be responsible for 是;问题补充Seriousness of purpose, respect for time and place, respect for one another, a willingness to prepare oneself for work, an implied sense of trust in the fact that what they are preparing for is。

2、1 Not wanting to make her nervous, the doctor didn#39t tell her completely the seriouseness of her disease2 Two years ago, I returned to my hometown which I had been away for ten years;形容一个人认真,做事仔细用carefulcareful的名词为carefulnesscareful 英 #39ke#601fl 美 #39kerfladj 小心谨慎的慎重的精心的 Be careful in dealing with such people与这种人打交道要小心谨慎用法;后果1 aftermath 2 consequences 其它相关解释lttrain ltaftereffect ltsequent ltsequel ltconsequence ltaftereffect ltissue ltin the result 例句与用法1 他的演说产生了不幸的后果,由之引发了一场骚乱;concerned about pronubcitaionthey beforced to do some extremes in forest,inorder to survivenow we can communicate instantly on the other side of the wordwe must recognize the seriousness of probelms we face;英 #712s#618#601ri#601s美 #712s#618ri#601s严肃的严重的 认真的,庄重的重要的 危险的钱等数目巨大的,大量的郑重沉重正经等等的意思 派生词seriousness;严肃Serious 1solemn strict grave stern serious 2in all seriousness in all earnestness 严肃 gravity 1gravity n重力严重庄重,严肃 handle n把手 vt触摸操作处理,对待 harm n vt伤害;apples 但是有些单词比如water水love爱没法直接计量,则为不可数,如a glass of water, my whole loveserious是个形容词,不存在可数和不可数他的名词形式是seriousness,无法计量的抽象词汇,是不可数名词。

3、制度的严肃性,即维护制度的权威性和强制性在执行制度时,要做到有制度必遵,违反制度必究,制度面前人人平等,不搞功过相抵,下不为例在处理违章时,要有严格的程序,要以事实为依据,以制度为准绳,注意处罚的准确性;这个字的名词形式是seriousness举例一个例子In all seriousness, did you really buy a plane ticket for Paris this morning;现在分词scoping例句What is specifically out of scope?哪些事情是超出范围的seriousness n 认真严肃地严重地非常严肃地 例句Mr reid stressed the seriousness of the incident里德强调了这起事件的严重性;严重的英文翻译是serious,serious的基本意思“严重的,非同小可”,指问题或局势很危急或不易处理,令人担忧和恐惧,须认真对待,引申可表示“重要的”,指某事件需要人们认真思考或需要精湛技艺serious 英 #712s#618#。


4、没有,只有一个名词的 seriousness 和 副词 seriously。
