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predecessor is the farthest right node of the left subtree nodePtr = nodePtrleft while nodePtrright != NULL nodePtr = nodePtrright else must have gotten here by going right and then。

Predecessors on the Songliao Plain salinization of the study are mostly localized, the paper use of RS, GIS tools to aerospace remote sensing MSS, TM, ETM as the main source of information, the first time。

or linen cloth with a striped or check pattern 7oolong 乌龙茶 a kind of tea 8predecessor 前任 person who held an office or position before sb else 9undiscovered 未知的,未被发现的 not be found。


which指主句中的perfect accountant,充当从句的表语成分,从句sb is sth,典型的主系表结构从句用which指代是由于重复的短语为了表达简洁,找一个代词来替代。

Personal contacts, quotthe older generationquot system Toyota#39s participation in the work order for the new employees become familiar with the new environment, I have put forward quota warm welcome to new employees,quot。


比萨起源于 3000 年前,人们在烧热的石头上做成扁平的小圆面包或馅饼 那种放在锡板上食用的圆面包或馅饼就是批萨,它是人类历史上第一种非发酵面包 在埃及人发现了酵母后, 人们才开始制作发酵面包 ‘比萨#39 这个。

从形式上看是对的,但是用的别扭最好改成一个状语从句although或者but引导,My boss is an incredibly boring person, but his predecessor wasn#x27t a boring person at all。
