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This wail of pain threatening to erupt from her mouth 表示句子,而是名词短语,现在分词短语 threatening to erupt from her mouth 是 wail 的后置定语,相当于 this wail of pain which threatens to erupt from her;·threaten, intimidate 都指预先告知或给出即将到来的危险灾祸或伤害的迹象 ·Threaten 常指不安或不祥的征兆,有计划地或特意阻碍的外表或行动, 或危险的来源 “a crack that threatened to become a split” Booth。

它是名词,也是动词,但动词更常用threaten变化有threatening形容词USA sees Iraq as a threat美国视伊拉克为威胁He threatens me that he#39ll kill my father他威胁我说他会把我的父亲杀掉;找到了整句Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted outtheir worst accounting and compliance troubles,and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens to earn themespecially in America。

Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles,and improved their feeble corporation governance ,这是状语部分 a new problem主语threatens 谓语to earn them这;WHEN it comes to Peruvian writers seeking the presidency, history threatens to repeat itself as farce 当谈到秘鲁的作家们想要掌权,是历史的威胁将要作为闹剧重演A sharp pick up also threatens the shorterterm。


Threatens 挑战




你要是威胁我或是动武,我就报警过去式threatened 现在分词threatening 过去分词threatened 第三人称单数threatens。

threatens是动词,威胁的意思它的主语是China#39s economic growth slid to a fiveyear low in the third quarter 就是中国经济滑落到五年最低点威胁到中国年度经济增长率仅为个位数as a worsening global credit crisis。

在加入funk乐这个大家庭之前,Sean Oliver在他的家乡多伦多的教堂唱诗班里度过了一段成长的时光到了八十年代,他在各种仓库party上当打碟DJ他用对音乐生俱来的热爱把这份工作变成了他的乐曲制作混音以及合成的试炼场。

而我们不能面对这个现实,正危及我们自身的伟大greatness 名词 nU 1 伟大崇高 2 著名 3 大巨大 threatens this greatness of ours 危及我们自身的伟大。


1、根据这句话 But nothing has prepared the bears for the danger that threatens the only home they know的语境,threatens用了一般现在时,就说明原文想要表达的意思是这个危险现在就在影响着它们的家园改写成will。

2、他被视为现存制度的大敌Despite the threat of war, people went about their business as usual虽然战争在即,人们照常忙着自己的事This is a trend which threatens the very fabric of society这是威胁社会基本。

3、应该和后面的连起来看a new problem threatens to earn them the sort of nasty headlines直译的话这个新的问题威胁着他们,使他们赢得令人讨厌的头条新闻。