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1、Parents who discuss sex and reproduction say this is talking about the birds and the bees This is where Richard is talking about the waitresses, the white。


2、talking 'tɔːkɪŋ 'tɔkɪŋ 发音 全球发音 生词本 添加笔记 有奖纠错 划词 adj 说 的,多嘴的有表情的 n 讲 ,谈论 v 谈论讲 talk的ing形 talking about 谈。

3、1 I am out of my element when people start talking about art 人们谈起艺术时,我可是一窍不通了 2 911查询·英语单词大全 2 If we spend more time praying and less time talking。

4、题目 举报 英语翻译 what are you talking about,是固定句式吗还有其他表示 你在说什么 答案解析 解答一 举报 通常这样问的时候,是别人“正”在说话,所以用现在进行时what。

5、One day after class I was talking to them about college, and one of my top students raised his hand and said he wasn't sure he could go。
