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1、简短的仪式 * have a short memory, ie remember only things that have happened recently 短暂的记忆只能记住最近发生的事 * The days get shorter as winterapproaches 冬天。

2、pred 作表语 a ~ of sth not having much or enough of sth lacking sth 某物不够 缺乏某物 short of time, money, ideas 缺少时间 钱 主意 * The hospital is getting short of clean。

3、sunny是形容词,意思是阳光的,快活的,性情开朗的 阳光的sunshine,活泼的lively,乐观的optimistic warm 的近义词是 warm up , change warm adj er, est 1 a of or at a fairly high temperature。

4、In recent traffic management system, trafficsurveillance by means of monitoring cameras has alreadybeen applied 1,2 However, existing methods predominantly rely on human observation of captured video sequences of。


5、widespread #39waidspred adj 分布或散布广的,普遍的 willing #39wili#331 adj 愿意的,心甘情愿的 sensitive #39sensitiv adj 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的 tend tend v 趋向,易于,照料。

6、while slengths=#39 #39 do s0=preds0for j=lengths downto 1 do if sj=#39 #39 then breakr=copys,j+1,lengthsj s=copys,1,j1for j=1 to 32 do if r=。

7、it serves a decently priced tapas menu, reflecting the hotel's Spanish roots However, you can just pop in for a drink in the enclosed bar。

8、I think it is decently priced My usual lunch budget is less than RMB20, so I am not the ideal candidate to comment on the pricing对于。


9、都有 responsibility,事后也可以decently 处理H就是想要同情,把真相还原出来,她也能是能得到理解,我承认我有不对的地方至。

10、he will fail tospeak decently” The PreQin Confucianism placed great emphasis on the socialand political functions of The Book of。

11、Thesolemn rites of sacrifice were decently prepared by theinhabitants of Batnæ, who seemed attached to the worship oftheir tutelar。